This is my final blog post. I know I haven't had it for very long but I knew that this might be the case. It was kind of my pet project while I was going through a career transition.
And good news my readers, the transition has finally come to an end and I am now in a non-front line social work position! I really didn't know how my job search was going to end - if I was going to continue in the field or not, but this opportunity came up and I decided to grab it. After all the social work experience I have gained it feels like I can easily handle this job and the people I am going to be working with sound great.
I have paid my dues in crazy stressful and sometimes dangerous social work jobs. Looking back I think having those jobs has given me some good perspective and will help me to better appreciate my new job. I learnt what roles I am comfortable with and I am confident now that I will not be put in situations that go against my values or personality, and that's a good feeling! It is a lower paying job, however of course there are going to be trade offs. I am willing to accept mine.
I could not have continued through this long and arduous journey without the support from former colleagues and family. This field can snap at your self esteem and confidence and there will be more times than you can count that you want to give in or give up. I never thought I could find a job that would meet my needs but after a lot of searching and luck it seems like it's going to be a good fit. So then my advice is if you are in a similar situation to the one I was in, continue to think outside the box and look at non-traditional social work jobs. Push for what you want. I found that along the way people wanted me to compromise but in the end I'm glad I didn't. As a result I know that my physical, emotional and mental health is not going to suffer.
I want to thank all of my readers from across the globe for reading my blog. I know you didn't always comment but I understand since I am usually shy on blogs and message boards and rarely comment myself. I am going to keep all my past posts online and if they continue to inform new or burnt out social workers then my original goal was accomplished!
Take Care,
Thanks for the blog while it lasted, Patti! I just stumbled upon it tonight. I'm in the third week of a stress leave and found it helpful and validating to read how very common my feelings and experiences are! Good luck to you in your new role!