Hello To All My Dear Readers,
I am sorry it has been so long since I have updated my blog. But as you all well know, life can have a habit of getting in the way.
Many changes have happened in my life since I have last written. I went through a break-up, I passed my one year anniversary in my new job (which I guess is no longer new!), there was a death in my extended family, I had surgery, I am going to be going home very soon to see my family and I will be downsizing and moving into a smaller place.
These have all been positive changes in my life. And perhaps the greatest change has been that I am no longer on any prescription medication for my depression and anxiety. It has almost been 3 months and I am feeling great! I admit I am taking natural supplements and I doubt if my depression will ever truly go away but I am feeling healthier and more in touch with my emotions. I finally reached a point where all the crises in my life that had led me to start taking the medications had finally passed. It is true that I still have hard days but now when a situation arises that gets me anxious or upset I have to analyze my feelings and condition myself to not to take the actions of others personally. It is not easy and if I was still in a front line social work position I know it would all be too much for me emotionally.
I don't know about some of you but at times I think back to my life and wonder what it would have been like if I decided not to go into social work. Would I be happier? Would I be in less debt? Would I be living closer to my family? Would I have had to make so many sacrifices? I cannot say for sure, but I am certain that I know myself better now because of the experiences I had as a social worker - which brings me to the title of this post. I am very near to turning 30. It feels less of a big deal to me as it does to others who want to remind me of the milestone. But a new chapter in my life is dawning. I am making choices in life for myself and not for others. I have decided I am going to dedicate less of my time to helping others as I am to discovering interests of mine which I have had little chance to pursue. I am going to focus on the small positive acts I can achieve through work as being enough. I do not have to be a social worker in my personal life through volunteering or trying to solve the problems of friends, family members or boyfriends. I intend to live a normal, regular life while also being true to myself. I am tired of buying into the myth that we are superheros meant to save everyone but ourselves. I have decided that for once I am going to put myself first in my life.
But I know that for others it is not so easy. Some of you are trying to raise children or take care of elderly parents. Or you may be trapped between student debt and a mortgage. You feel forced to remain in your current situation and you know if you think about how you are really feeling deep down you will begin to cry. This reminds me of a comment I recently read on this blog. All I can tell you is that if you are feeling trapped then you MUST start to take small steps to get yourself out of the bad situation. Others may judge, criticise or laugh at your choices but you have to life your life. This may mean keeping your intentions private from friends, co-workers or family members until after you have made your move but once you have made one positive decision for yourself it will get easier.
As Always,
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